ABOUT | Renewable energy systems for the resilience and the economical development of the businesses, critical installations and non governmental organizations in the island municipality of Culebra (EDAGrant01-79-14860).
Through this means, all merchants and business owners of Culebra are called to an important meeting where the Renewable Energy Project will be presented. This Project is achieved through a grant of funds from the U.S. Economic Development Administration and matching funds from Fundación Comunitaria de Puerto Rico.
Day | October 1, 2020 Time | 4:00 p.m.*
Place |SEVA Amphitheater, Mujeres de Isla
If you cannot attend, please fill out the form that appears in this link, and send it to [email protected].
*The maximum number of attendees is 25. If this number is exceeded, access will be granted to the first 25 and a second meeting will be held at
Strict protocol will be followed to minimize the risk of contagion: use of mask, a register of all attendees will be made, body temperature will be taken and registered; hand sanitizer will be provided, and six feet of social
distancing will be observed.