Fundación Comunitaria de Puerto Rico (FCPR) had released the first Voluntary Local Report of Puerto Ricoback in November and is now available in English.

It presents the current state of the archipelago in relation to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), a global agenda presented by the United Nations Organization (UNO) committing to sustainable and inclusive development that combats poverty, protect the planet, and promote peace and prosperity for all people, as included in their 2030 Agenda.

The report was produced with the support of the Mott Foundation, with Dr. Palmira N. Ríos González as the main researcher, and it is positioned as a reference for all sectors in Puerto Rico and to facilitate a public discussion on the main challenges being faced by Puerto Rican people: poverty, hunger, health, education, gender equality, climate change, energy, economic growth, along with others.

A structure of 6 pillars: person, social rights, planet, prosperity, peace, and alliances was created to organize the 17 SDGs into a strategic framework, following the 17Rooms format developed by the Brookings Institute.

The six-pillar scheme was inspired by a report created by the Community Foundations of Canada that had five pillars. A sixth pillar was added in the Puerto Rico report focused on social rights as it was suggested by the people consulted.

Data and information were collected from government sources, journalistic investigations, and reports by people from the community and non-profit organizations and were compiled into a single document, revealing the situation of Puerto Rico in regards of the SDGs.

The report also includes recommendations that highlight the creation of a multi-sector alliance that facilitates an Agenda, one that nourishes by the implementation of the 17 goals for Puerto Rico. This Agenda strives for sustainable and inclusive development that integrates economic, social, and environmental issues.

The report was presented last November.